We, as Antilsan Antalya A.S., is among the leading companies in the agricultural industry at the region with the experience we have since 1991. We are importer, exporter and producer of several agricultural products such as pesticides, fertilizers, plant growth regulators, traps and pheromones.
We work in cooperation with international companies such as Biobest Antalya who is a beneficial insects and bumblebees producer company; Corteva Agriciense with a collaboration as distributing function; BKS Biotechnical Protection Systems, Rovensa Next.
We support our growers both in providing product and technical information. We are working for sustainable agriculture, we provide services by prioritizing food safety, human and enviromental health.
We have also started our local production activities since 2021. With those new products we have gained a great momentum in the domestic market. Our next job is to protomote and deliver our local products abroad.