Perfect solution against vineyard moth and apple heartworm
Technical Specifications
Active Ingredient
240 g Methoxyfenozide per liter
SC (Suspension concentrate)
Spraying against the apple worm is done according to the prediction and warning system. The aim of the internal worm control is to keep the trees with pesticides during the larva emergence of each generation and to kill the hatched larvae before they enter the fruit. It is very important to determine the first larvae emergence in determining the first spraying time of the progeny in a healthy way. Three sprayings are done, two against the first generation and one against the second generation.
Spraying for Cluster Moth in the vineyard is done according to the prediction and warning system. The number of butterflies caught in the traps reached its peak and started to decrease, the total effective temperatures reached 120 degrees in the first generation, 520 degrees in the second generation, and 1047 degrees in the third generation; phenologically, if it is a flower bud in the first generation, a berry in the second generation, and in the beginning of sweetening in the third generation, the eggs are searched and the spraying is decided according to the egg opening. A pesticide is applied to each generation.
Spraying against Cotton Leafworm in tomato (greenhouse) should be done by leaving the egg packages and following the emergence of the seedlings. The application should be sprayed, including the inner parts of the plants, before the egg packages are opened.
For the control of green worms in pepper, 50-100 plants are checked in the greenhouse and eggs and larvae are searched in the flowers, leaves, stems, fruits and shoots of the plant. If 5 out of 100 plants are found to be contaminated, spraying is started immediately.